Nuclear accord proved power of dialogue: Rouhani

January 19, 2016 - 0:0

TEHRAN - President Hassan Rouhani has said that Tehran’s nuclear agreement with the six world powers proved that complicated issues can be settled through negotiations.

In a Sunday meeting with the visiting President of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies Mars Di Bartolomeo, Rouhani described the nuclear agreement, dubbed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as a great achievement for diplomacy.

“The message of the agreement was that complicated issues can be resolved through dialogue,” Rouhani noted.

Rouhani added that the implementation of the JCPOA has paved the ground for Iran and Luxembourg to expand relations.

The president also pointed to terrorism as a serious threat to the world, calling for unity to counter the scourge.

He expressed the Islamic Republic’s readiness to cooperate with other countries, including Luxembourg, in settling key regional disputes.

For his part, Di Bartolomeo called for enhancement of ties with Tehran. Di Bartolomeo also congratulated Iran on the nuclear talks and the beginning of the implementation of the JCPOA, saying the agreement will help the promotion of peace and stability in the world.

---‘Only dialogue can resolve Mideast crises’

On Sunday, Di Bartolomeo also held a meeting with Ali Akbar Velayati, a senior foreign policy adviser to Leader of the Islamic Revolution, during which the two officials underlined the need for a ceasefire as well as talks between warring sides to end the conflicts in Syria and Yemen.

Velayati said, “All have come to the conclusion that the crises in Syria, Yemen and Iraq have no military solution and the only way to end the conflicts, particularly in Syria, is dialogue among warring parties.”

Di Bartolomeo, for his part, called for the cooperation of all countries to combat terrorism.

--- ‘Sanctions removal must be carried out precisely’

In a separate meeting on Sunday with Di Bartolomeo, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the termination of sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program must be carried out in strict accordance with the nuclear agreement reached between Tehran and the 5+1 countries (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany).

Zarif expressed hope that the lifting of sanctions against Iran would be carried out “strictly” in line with the terms of the nuclear accord.

The Iranian foreign minister also emphasized the need for promotion of relations between Iran and Luxembourg, calling for setting up joint ventures between the two countries.

Touching upon the conflict in Syria, Zarif said the crisis can be settled in the country only “politically”.

He added, “Unlike others, the Islamic Republic of Iran doesn’t want those countries which can contribute to the peaceful settlement of the conflict [in Syria] to be marginalized in the peace process.”